
A blog to help students and teachers get the most out of our A Level English Language conference

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grouping texts: text one

So, here's your first text. It's an extract from a transcript of TV chef Lorraine Pascale, from BBC's Baking Made Easy, telling you how to make Macaroni Cheese.

Baked pasta has a reputation of being (.) a bit of a family dish but my macaroni and cheese is really really glamorous it’s even good enough if friends come round as a dinner party dish (.) so I’ve got some pancetta here (1) and (.) I’m gonna fry it (.) in the pan (.) need a bit of oil (2) I love pancetta (.) such a lovely flavour (.) you know you can use bacon as well just snip some bacon up (.)some spring onions (2) OK so while they are cooking up I’m gonna get on with the white sauce it’s a basic white sauce (.) and it’s equal amounts of flour and butter (1) sooo (.) put 40 grammes of butter (1) and I’m going to add some flour (.) 40 grammes (2) then just mix it in and make a little paste (1) get right into the corners (1) so it goes quite lumpy and looks a bit scary (.) and then (.) take it off the heat and add some milk I’ve got 200 mill of milk (.) I’m not gonna add all of it just a little bit

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