
A blog to help students and teachers get the most out of our A Level English Language conference

Friday, February 18, 2011

Grouping texts: text two

And here, without further ado, is text two.

It's an extract from "The Crafty Food Processor Cook Book" by Michael Barry.

Cut the meat into even-sized cubes, leaving on any fat but removing all gristle.

Process for 10 seconds, scrape down the sides; flash the motor on and off again to make sure it's all thoroughly evenly cut, then turn into a separate bowl.

Add the onion and egg yolk to the bowl and process until pureed, add to the meat with the salt and pepper.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly together, divide into 4 and shape into 1 inch thick patties with smooth, round sides.

Let these stand, if you can, in the fridge for a few minutes, and then barbecue them or fry them in a minimum of oil in a thick bottomed frying pan.

If you like them rare, a minute on each side on high and then 5 minutes over a low flame will do it; if you like them a little bit better done , a minute on each side on high and 7 to 8 minutes on low is about right.

You can eat them in buns, with the traditional gherkins, tomato sauce, mustard and relishes.

There will be more texts next week and then a final analysis of them for you to do after half term, before Marcello Giovanelli gives you an examiner's view of what you could say about them.

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